The effectiveness of the Honor System also depends upon the support and cooperation of the faculty. The following is intended as a brief guide to policies and procedures. Every student should read the Constitution and By-laws of the Honor Council and the Honor Code. Copies can be obtained in the Office of the Assistant Dean, Student Judicial Programs.

Members of the Honor Council are happy to answer questions students or faculty may have. Each year a faculty liaison is named to explain decisions to faculty members and forward faculty complaints to the council.

Work covered under the Honor System

  • All quizzes, tests and examinations are covered by the system.

  • All themes, essays and papers are covered by the system. The amount of communication among students (proofreading, discussion of ideas, etc.) and the amount of reference materials allowed is entirely at the discretion of the professor, who should state very precisely what is expected in this area.

  • A professor may place homework or any other academic assignment under the Honor System and should be explicit communicating expectations and requirements to students.

  • Group projects, laboratory assignments, and computer work are considered covered by the Honor System. Although the professor should make clear the extent of collaboration allowed on these assignments, it is the student's responsibility to ask of the professor her or his requirements for that project.

Obligations under the Honor System

  • Entering Students. All students entering Rice affirm their support to the Honor System. The affirmation is completed online during course registration. Students must complete this affirmation in order to be allowed to register for classes.

  • Pledge. The examination pledge is required at the end of all examinations, tests and quizzes, and it may appear at the request of the professor on all other projects under the Honor System. The absence of the pledge from the academic work normally covered by the Honor System does not remove that work from under the system.

  • Monitoring. Professors may not monitor examinations, but they may remain in the room for questions and consultation.

  • Violation of the Honor System. Anyone who discovers evidence of a possible violation of the Honor System should inform the Honor Council or Student Judicial Programs as soon as possible. Under the Honor System, the Honor Council is charged with the responsibility of investigating suspected violations and recommending possible sanctions.

  • Confidentiality. Faculty members are requested to observe the same confidentiality required of students with respect to accusations, trials and results.

Additional information can be found on the Honor System website.