Emergency Procedures

Reporting an Emergency
When reporting an emergency, first identify yourself, give the location of the emergency, state the nature of the emergency and give all the facts pertinent to getting aid. The Rice University Police personnel have information and procedures to obtain help for any emergency on campus.

Medical Emergencies
Call the Rice University Police Department, 713-348-6000. They will dispatch the Rice Emergency Medical Services to provide immediate assistance. University Police and Emergency Medical Services will arrange for transportation to appropriate health care facilities.

Psychological or Psychiatric Emergencies
Emergency service is available 24 hours a day throughout the year with the exception of University holiday periods. During regular office hours, a student should go to the Rice Counseling Center located in the Rich Health Service Center (next to the Brown Masters House) and Gibbs Wellness Center or call 713-348-4867 and state the nature of the emergency. During evenings and weekends, the professional person on call can be reached by calling 713-348-4867. Your call will be answered by an answering service; the operator will contact the person on call who will return your call as soon as possible.

In Case of Arrest
Students who have been arrested are encouraged to contact the Magisters of their college.

Emergency Telephone System
Emergency phones have been placed in strategic locations around campus in elevators and at outside locations marked with a blue light. All of these phones will connect you directly with the Rice University Police Department.

To make an emergency call, pick up the receiver or push the button and wait for the dispatcher to answer. Give the dispatcher your name and the nature of your problem. These phones can be used to contact the police department to report suspicious activity, persons, a crime in progress, ask for an escort or inquire about any other police business.

Rice On-Campus System Phones
Through this system, the Rice University Police Department can be reached by dialing x6000.