Residential College Personnel

Each of the residential colleges has a core team of support personnel including Magisters, College Coordinators, and Residential Associates.

To learn more about each role, click below:


College Magisters are tenured faculty members who live, with their families, in houses adjacent to each college. Magisters are a supportive resource for students and oversee all aspects of student life. They encourage broad cultural and intellectual pursuits, ensure the effectiveness of the college's self-governance, and care for their students' wellbeing. College Magisters serve as advisors and confidants; promote responsible student government; encourage student-faculty interaction in the college through cultural and educational programs, social events, and other activities; and help students understand the university's broad curriculum and vast experiential learning opportunities.


College coordinators play a vital role in the life of the residential college system. Coordinators are the administrative leads, assisting the college magisters in the day-to-day operations of the residential colleges as well as advising and supporting students on a myriad of issues. As the “hub” of the college, coordinators are often the first point of contact for various university departments, faculty and staff. In addition to managing administrative tasks, college coordinators lend their expertise to everything from event planning to crisis management.

Residential Associates

Unlike Resident Associates (RAs) at most university campuses, RAs at Rice are faculty and staff members who apply for these positions. RAs are crucial to the residential college system, assisting magisters in supporting the intellectual, social, and cultural activities within the college. Living among the students, RAs are in a unique position to be a positive community facilitator, role model, and to provide guidance and leadership to college members. RAs, therefore, are a visible participant in college life, accessible to students, and may stand in for the magisters, when appropriate. For more information about the Resident Associate program and the application process, please click here.

Listed below, in order of founding, are Rice's 11 residential colleges with contact information for core personnel.





Resident Associates

Baker College
6320 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005

Baker College

Leonardo Duenas-Osorio & Cassy Romano

Kristen Luu

Greg Fitch

Patrick Ray & Sophie Randolph

Will Rice College
6330 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005

Will Rice College

Ken Whitmire

Amanda Garza (on leave)

Kaylin Wilson (interim)

Sandy Parsons & Will Parsons

Hae Hun Matos

Hanszen College
6350 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005

Hanszen College

Fabiola Lopez-Duran & Carlos Martinez-Rivera

Joyce Bald

Bryn Dugre & Neal Dugre

Lam Yu & Rebecca Yu

Wiess College
6340 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005

Wiess College

Flavio Cunha & Fabiana Alves dos Santos

Jenny Toups

Carissa Zimmerman & Nick Espinosa

Kari Mullen & Lach Mullen

Jones College
23 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005

Jones College

Zachary Ball & Trisha Ball

Kellie Sager

Caitlin Lindsay

Kelsey Ullom

Brown College
9 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005

Brown College

Douglas Schuler & Emmanuelle Schuler

Christy Cousins

Chris Mize & Jaime Mize

Jessica Krom

Lovett College
6310 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005

Lovett College

Nancy Niedzielski

Sharon O'Leary

Stephanie Parker & Matthew Wells

Naoko Ozaki

Sid Richardson College
6360 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005

Sid Richardson College

Melissa Marschall

Lisa Galloy

Bianca Lopez & Carlos Escobedo

Shannon LaBove

Kasey Leigh Yearty & Cam Yearty

Martel College
99 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005

Martel College

Daniel Domingues da Silva & Livia Borges Domingues

Jessica Fair

Gabriela Garcia & Liam Mayes

Norma Santamaria

McMurtry College
1605 Rice Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005

McMurtry College

Jenifer Bratter & Noe Perez

Jackie Carrizales

Deirdre Hunter

Tamara Jones

Matt McCary and Priscilla Martinez

Duncan College
1601 Rice Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005

Duncan College

Eden King & Winston Liaw

Wendy Olivares

Mack Joyner & Jamil Joyner

Jorge Gomez-Fernandez

Last updated January 22, 2025